Google Ranking 2019
How To Optimize Your Website For Google RankBrain In 2019
Gone are the days when classic search engine optimization tactics such as creating extremely long content, getting an extra number of backlinks, and focusing on lone long-tail keywords were completely relied upon. The invention Google RankBrain algorithm has since changed the optimization process. Continue reading to learn about new trends in Google Ranking 2019.
RankBrain is a machine learning program that assists Google to arrange its search findings. This program is able to understand the objective behind search questions, analyze user’s actions and ranks the results as they should. RankBrain was unveiled in 2015 and is the third-ranking program after content and links.
When optimizing content and website for RankBrain, there are four main factors to consider which include; increasing Dwell Time, increasing Click-Through Rate, decreasing Pogo-Sticking and decreasing Bounce Rate.
Below are the main tips for search engine optimizing your website:
Use multiple phrases or keywords
Avoid majoring on a single keyword as using a similar keyword in an article has some negative effects. Instead, use different keyword inversions because Rankbrain understands different phrases or variants of the primary keywords. Furthermore, pogo-sticking and bounce rates of an article with a single keyword are high due to poor quality and can lead to a bad rating of such an article. Using LSI keywords instead could help a great deal as they inform RankBrain that you are searching for comprehensive content. LSI keywords help Google understand your page better.
Have Long in-depth content
The depth of content matters a lot even though many readers loathe reading long pieces of work. Informative in-depth content that is problem-solving and offers useful information does better in the search engine results page. There are also marketing benefits associated with in-depth content like better link building, increased social shares, increased online visibility, and better positioning of the site as reliable. Research conducted by Backlinko has backed the above to be true after getting views from users.
Freshness of content
Updating your website and answering or responding to readers comments are some of the great ways of maintaining already updated content fresh. In addition, occasionally adding new content is another great way to keep a website fresh. Other means through which a website can retain freshness are via encouraging others to link to your site by more click-through traffic, and through increasing social shares.
Have an appealing introduction
The first few words give an overview of what the rest of the article will be. The introduction acts as a hint of the content that the reader is about to engage. If an introduction is poorly done or it contains vague words, then chances of the reader getting pissed off are extremely high who simply go back to the SERP to get more meaningful content. The introduction should not only be interesting but should also be appealing enough to capture the attention of searchers. A good introduction should, therefore, be a summary of the content following it. This delicate balance can either mean winning or losing.
Increasing brand awareness
Sites that brand products are likely to have higher traffic. Branding paints a certain picture of how products look like in customers minds. This altogether helps such a site have an enhanced click-through rate. Social media can help to expose a brand through tips like social sharing which persuades followers and fans to share some of your posts, creating quality content that’s valuable and one that enhances trust, creating contests, engaging people, offering free demos, and asking queries which often attract a hundred percent comments more than normal posts
Improve dwell time
Dwell time is a vital factor and one that RankBrain treat’s with a lot of seriousness. Including quality photos/videos and having properly written paragraphs are some of the important tools that can make a user or reader stay long on a site. Readers will always dwell on pages or results that are easy to browse. No wonder the popularity of list-based posts has increased as such posts are simple to consume. The more a reader dwells on a site, the more the score metrics resulting in a higher ranking on Rankbrain.
Perfect your title tag and Meta description
The need for an appealing headline cannot be overemphasized and in this case, we more often than not judge a book by its cover. What displays after a SERP is the title, and it determines if you’ll click open that page. Research shows that only a small fraction from a group of ten people will finish reading an article after clicking its title. Ensure that the headline is captivating and persuasive.
Right after the headline is the Meta description which should be well summarized using the recommended characters (approximately 155). It should also contain the content therein and what it offers to the reader. You must make it interesting enough to make the reader read through the whole article. Ensure you write a charming description by mixing keywords with actionable and compelling words like ‘Read on’, and ‘How to’. These words will undoubtedly add more traffic to your website.
Link internal pages
It is necessary to link in sync with humans when optimizing for Rankbrain. Readers ought to be made aware that there is content which they could find helpful too. This will avoid a hundred percent bounce rate. Linking one page with another will help search spiders crawl better. To incorporate readers who may not be able to link pages together, it is advisable to give directions despite reading and liking your post. Do so by telling them to use options like “Recommended Read” or “Also Read”. Afterward, ensure to finish your post with a Call to Action and lastly, put in a related post doodad at the end of your post.
RankBrain has not changed Search Engine Optimization. It focuses mainly on delivering relevant and high-quality results to its users without any human interference. As an individual writer, blogger or any other person posting on websites, you only have to make sure that you produce content that can be ranked on RankBrain.