Google Require HTTPS for Secure Data
In January 2017, Google announced that websites that do not have HTTPS are insecure. In these days, Google announced that this requirement is going to be effective in July 2018. So, if your website is collecting sensitive information of the visitors, for instance, personal data, passwords, credit card details and many more, it is imperative to make sure you switch to HTTPS.
What’s HTTPS?
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a language or protocol for passing or sharing information between users and website servers. HTTPS is completely a secure connection. In HTTP connection, unauthorized personnel can access the information between the site and computing device. However, using secure data protocol is absolutely impossible.
That’s why you need to switch to secure connection especially if the site collects sensitive information, for instance, credit card details, social security number, passwords. The HTTPS connection is very secure because it uses TSL (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and these encrypts information. Thus, it prevents data from interference during transfer. In addition, it prevents eavesdropping of the data by unauthorized personnel.
Since HTTP is insecure, visitors will not be ready to include their sensitive data when prompted by the website. The secure connection has become web standard. When people are visiting your website, what they expect is private and secure online experience. It is for this reason why Google require https for secure data.
Know What’s Changing
It is possible to tell if the site you are visiting is secure or insecure especially if you are using Google Chrome browser. The browser has a neutral indicator that shows if the site is an HTTP-only connection, so users are prompted not to share their personal data because such sites can easily be accessed by hackers. Also, Google Chrome has lock symbol which is located near ‘Secure’ option in a search bar. So, users can feel free to enter their personal information.
If a user loads the site over HTTP, it is possible for an authorized person on the network to modify or read information from the site. Since this is an era where security is very imperative, internet users want to browse secure websites where they don’t have to worry even if they share their personal details such as payment credentials, social security number, passwords and many more.
One of the reasons why Google require secure data is for the web users to access websites or browse online securely. That’s why releases of Google Chromes have labels for secure and insecure pages so that web users make informed decisions before visiting sites.
Is HTTPS One of Google’s Ranking Signals?
Reports from Google show that most of the desktop page loads are actually HTTPS connections. In fact, many of the top websites and Google sites run modern secure protocol. Most of these sites have very impressive traffic.
In order to have a safe connection on the site, you need to have SSL certificate. This certificate shows that the site is secure and genuine. Besides, it shows that the site is non-corruptible and encrypted. Briefly put, data protection is the main advantage of HTTPS connections and it is also recommended because it loads faster the website. Actually, that is one of the things Google is desperately looking for to give your site higher rankings.
We, TrafficDom SEO Experts, understand that this information can be overwhelming for business owners. We are here to help you and do the transfer to Secure Data Protocol for you. Just give fill our discovery form and we will get back to you!